Copy Cat Mimi’s Cafe Blueberry Muffins
The first time I had the pleasure of tasting Mimi’s Cafe’s tasty blueberry muffins was 12 years ago. We had just moved to Colorado Springs and I was just barely in my second trimester with the twins. I took one bite into this muffin and instantly knew I would be in a longterm relationship with this food. I’ve mentioned in the past that quite a few of my significant memories include the first time I try a food. The first time I ever tried a Whopper, I was 10 years old and visiting my cousins in Oregon. The first time I ever had a French Dip sandwich was my first…
Instapot Cheesy Sausage & Tot Casserole
Sometimes I create my own recipes, and other times I steal someone else’s and tweak it. Why do the heavy lifting if someone has already perfected the heavy lifting for you? This recipe is one such case. One typical Saturday night, a Saturday night that wasn’t a date night, I was perusing Pinterest…or as Matthew so endearingly calls it, internet hoarding…when I came across this recipe. As I spent some of my formative years (high school) in potato country, any recipe that is full of cheese and potatoes instantly calls to me. I know, I know…I’m a nutritionist who is working toward her dietetic degree…but a heart wants what a…
Chocolate Chip Banana Bread
Being the mother to 4 boys, we go through bananas like the apocalypse is tomorrow. It is a rare occasion when we have overly ripe bananas that I can use to create banana bread or muffins. Goob especially loves bananas, having one for breakfast has become a ritual for him. His whole day is thrown off if he doesn’t start with a banana. By some miracle, last week I had 3 overly ripe bananas I needed to do something with. I also had some sour cream that needed to be used up. I remembered that sour cream in other baked goods causes the texture to be fluffy and light. That…
Raspberry Sweet Rolls
I’ve been playing around with variations of my Better Than Cinnabon Cinnamon Rolls. I know, why fix it if it isn’t broken…but sometimes a girl wants something different. This last week I decided to try my hand at making a raspberry filling. This filling was full of flavor and a nice fall addition to the cinnamon roll family. Do you have an amazing cinnamon roll variation? I am toying with the idea of doing a Nutella sweet roll next. Do you have any suggestions? Hope y’all are having an amazing day.
Better-Than-Cinnabon Cinnamon Rolls
I’ve said it…I’ve staked my claim…my cinnamon rolls are WAY better than Cinnabon’s. The cinnamon roll craze began with my dad. At least a few Sundays each month, he and I would spend the afternoon making cinnamon rolls and binge watch the Back to the Future Trilogy. Dad’s specialty is anything involving dough. His call-sign when he was in the Air Force was Dough Boy. Although, for years I assumed that was due to his love of donuts, pastries, bread…all things sugary and yeasty. It wasn’t until much later when I realized it was also because his name is Doug H…Dough. Apparently I am not as quick witted as I…
No Oats Oatmeal
Growing up my dad would fix us oatmeal and he would add raisins, which he called flies. While I wasn’t too fond of raisins growing up, I loved it when dad would add them and then tell us to make sure we ate all of the flies. Now that I am an adult, I still love the old school oatmeal my dad makes, but my tastes have expanded. I originally found this recipe here, but I’ve tweaked it a little. I like to make this in advance, but not more than a few days. The crispiness begins to change and the texture becomes funny. I also like to top it with several variations. …
Chocolate PB Chia Seed Pudding
I am not the most adventurous foodie. It’s not that I’m afraid to try new things, it’s that I hate spending money on food that I end up not liking. It’s perfectly acceptable to me for Mr. Man to purchase from the store or order a meal that is new and different and then I will try it. I know, it’s super odd, especially since the money to pay for the food comes from the same place whether he purchased it or I did. It’s just something I’ve always had a hard time overcoming. So for a long time, I pinned and oogled over various chia seed pudding recipes, but…