• Food

    Quick Cashew Chicken

    Well, I did it! I made it through my first Foodie February and blogged a recipe every weekday. It was definitely a challenge for me at times, but I thoroughly enjoyed all of the cooking and baking. I came up with a lot of recipes and perfected others. BUT don’t despair, I still have plenty up my sleeve and several upcoming recipes I am pretty proud of. I couldn’t give away all of my secrets in February. I LOVE Asian food. Ok, let’s be honest, I just love food…especially ethnic foods. But, Asian food is definitely in my top 3. When I finally purchased a wok, I just about cried.…

  • Food

    Chicken Fried Rice

    Chicken fried rice is possibly one of the easiest and quickest recipes I have in a monthly rotation. It is especially useful when you’ve prepared too much rice in another meal and are not sure what to do with the leftovers. Rice is a food that doesn’t keep too long as leftovers. While proper storage of cooked rice is important, the typical refrigerated shelf life of rice, any type of white rice, is only 3 to 4 days. After the 4th day, you run the risk of the rice already beginning to grow a specific bacterium called Bacillus cereus which produces a toxin that can cause a very serious food…