• Food

    Green Chili and Chicken Enchiladas

    Enchiladas are easily one of my most favorite Mexican meals. I have so many variations of enchiladas in my meal arsenal that I could easily make a different type every night for a whole month. So it was surprising to me when I realized I had never done a green chili version. I almost always used red enchilada sauce, but when I realized I had a bunch of green enchilada sauce in my pantry, I knew I needed to make a green chili version. I have to say, that this recipe is easily one of my top favorites. I love the slightly spicy flavors and the prominence of the green…

  • Food

    Creamy Pesto Alfredo Pasta

    Contains affiliate links Pasta is definitely one of my easy go-to’s for dinner. Typically I whip out the premade meatballs and marinara or frozen cheesy tortellini, but occasionally I make a quick homemade sauce, especially when I can do the sauce in less than 10 minutes, requires no cooking, and can be thrown into the blender. And…pesto is one of those sauces. Pesto, do you know what pesto is? It is the Italian green sauce. It is fresh herbs and spices and is typically served over pasta, but is also extremely tasty on toasted Italian bread. While you can use typical pasta, I have been loving Banza pasta lately. It…

  • Food

    Maple Glazed Rosemary Pork

    I am back at you with another recipe using fresh herbs. This time rosemary is the star. Rosemary is very common here in southern Nevada, it is a popular plant to grow in your yard. Although that type of rosemary isn’t for consumption; the fragrance can be found all around. Rosemary is a hearty evergreen herb and comes from the mint family, oddly enough. It is a cousin to basil, lavender, thyme, and oregano. It is also a great source of calcium, iron, and vitamin B-6. Rosemary is also an herb that tends to not go bad in the refrigerator as quickly as other herbs such as chives and basil.…

  • Food

    Mexican Haystacks

    If you have ever consumed Hawaiian Haystacks, then you have definitely either lived/visited Utah, or have a friendship with someone who has ties to Utah. Hawaiian Haystacks, are indeed not Hawaiian. They are called such because typical toppings include pineapple and coconut. I have a child who is OBSESSED with Hawaiian Haystacks. Honestly though, I have never been fond of them. The flavors are either bland or too sweet to my taste buds. So, Mexican Haystacks were born. Ask anyone who has known me a long while, and they will tell you that I would eat chips and guacamole or queso over just about any other snack. I absolutely adore…

  • Food

    Summer Fettuccine Alfredo

    Fettuccine Alfredo is definitely a family favorite. It is also a very easy recipe to change up. Adding in season vegetables can completely change the flavor and cause your children to think you are a genius in the kitchen. In the summer, I like to add in fresh vegetables such as bell peppers and corn. Fresh baby spinach is equally tasty. Fettuccine Alfredo is also a recipe that is hearty enough to hold up against adding a protein; while at the same time flavorful enough to not need a protein. In the summer, if I add a protein, it is usually chicken. I’ve added grilled steak slices over top as…

  • Food

    Stone Ground Honey Mustard Chicken

    My love of honey mustard began when I lived in Mississippi, fifteen years ago. I have always enjoyed the sharp flavors of mustard but never knew the heaven my mouth could experience with combining mustard and honey. Ever since I’ve been somewhat obsessed with this flavor combination and have attempted several variations with both chicken and pork. This recipe stemmed from two particular condiments; stone ground mustard and Mike’s Hot Honey. I know I’ve talked about Mike’s Hot Honey before, but I’m telling you, if you haven’t listened to me yet, you HAVE to try it! Stone ground mustard is different from regular yellow mustard, as well as Dijon mustard.…

  • Food

    Quick Cashew Chicken

    Well, I did it! I made it through my first Foodie February and blogged a recipe every weekday. It was definitely a challenge for me at times, but I thoroughly enjoyed all of the cooking and baking. I came up with a lot of recipes and perfected others. BUT don’t despair, I still have plenty up my sleeve and several upcoming recipes I am pretty proud of. I couldn’t give away all of my secrets in February. I LOVE Asian food. Ok, let’s be honest, I just love food…especially ethnic foods. But, Asian food is definitely in my top 3. When I finally purchased a wok, I just about cried.…

  • Food

    Instapot Brown Noodles

    This is a recipe that the 5 of us children begged my mom for dinner almost every week. It’s a sort of spin on Beef Stroganoff, without the sour cream. And bless my mom’s heart, she ALWAYS made egg noodles from scratch. I take the easy way out with Reames Frozen Egg Noodles…which is ALWAYS a staple in my freezer. Making Brown Noodles in the Instapot proved extremely easy and has become my go-to method recently. Brown Noodles is a wonderful recipe for cold nights and is a must my in comfort foods rotation. The next time you are feeling like you need some comfort food and it’s chilly outside,…

  • Food

    Deconstructed: Big Mac Sloppy Joes’

    I not-so-secretly love McDonald’s…so when I had no idea what to create for dinner a few weeks ago; the Big Mac Sloppy Joes’ was born. This recipe is super easy and has very few ingredients. An added benefit is this recipe takes less than 30 minutes to prepare and cook. While this version of the Big Mac still isn’t terribly healthy, it is exceedingly less than its counterpart. And…if I can toot my own horn, it is much tastier than the real thing. Do you have a copycat recipe from a famous food? Attempting to DIY highly popular foods from restaurants is one of my most favorite things to do.…

  • Food

    Coconut Pineapple Grilled Chicken

    Every Thursday night, I meal plan for the coming week. And while it may seem I have dinners always planned to the T; sometimes, just like everyone else, I need a little inspiration from Pinterest. This Coconut Pineapple Grilled Chicken is one such little inspiration. Sara is the author of Dinner at the Zoo and she is the culinary genius behind this yummy concoction. Her original recipe is here, but I tweaked it a little bit for my liking. My chin-chillins a huge lovers of Mandarin Oranges, and I know that they go extremely well with pineapple and coconut. So if your heart desires, add in a can of Mandarin…