• Food

    Summer Lemon Chicken & Asparagus

    Asparagus is a vegetable that is easily misunderstood. Just like Brussels sprouts and artichokes, there is a specific way to prepare asparagus. It isn’t like green beans, peas, or corn where you can boil or steam then serve. While some people do love asparagus from a can, I will only eat it if it is roasted or grilled. Additionally, preparing asparagus is important. The thicker the asparagus stock, the more fibrous. It is difficult to figure out what part to trim and what to eat. The way I prepare asparagus is I hold each end of the stock. Then I bend it until it snaps. The stock naturally snaps in…

  • Food

    Summer Fettuccine Alfredo

    Fettuccine Alfredo is definitely a family favorite. It is also a very easy recipe to change up. Adding in season vegetables can completely change the flavor and cause your children to think you are a genius in the kitchen. In the summer, I like to add in fresh vegetables such as bell peppers and corn. Fresh baby spinach is equally tasty. Fettuccine Alfredo is also a recipe that is hearty enough to hold up against adding a protein; while at the same time flavorful enough to not need a protein. In the summer, if I add a protein, it is usually chicken. I’ve added grilled steak slices over top as…