• Food

    Sweet Chipotle Adobo Pork Tacos

    Tacos are one of my most favorite foods, so I am constantly attempting new ways to reinvent the taco…and I am definitely not an inventor. Let’s be honest, none of my taco recipes are world-changing, but they are extremely tasty! Individuals who create fusion foods such as the ramen burger, or the sushi burrito have changed the food world. I’m just on the hunt for food that makes my taste buds sing and keeps my kiddos from complaining. AND…my boys did not complain about these tacos. In fact, even though I made enough for 12 people, the leftovers did not last long at all. The flavors are impactful being sweet…

  • Food

    Heart Healthy Fried Cauliflower Rice

    My family has made a very conscious decision to begin a more heart-healthy lifestyle.  Mr. Man and the 4 amigos as well as my parents, siblings and their families; we’ve all decided it is time to make a permanent change together.  As I have been researching heart-healthy foods and recipes, I’ve noticed it isn’t as hard as I assumed it would be.  The recommendations from the American Heart Association as well as the CDC and Mayo Clinic all suggest low sodium, low-fat diet with complex carbs and plenty of fruits and vegetables.  For an individual who has hypertension, high cholesterol, and/or heart disease (especially if they’ve had a cardiac event) the…