• Food

    Healthier No-Bake Cookies

    A few months ago, I went to my monthly book club get together and a friend had brought some no-bake cookies. As a general rule, I am not a huge fan of no-bake cookies. If I am going to consume a cookie with chocolate and oatmeal, I want a traditional oatmeal cookie with chocolate chips. BUT…these cookies my friend made changed my mind. Then when she informed me that they were a healthier version I was blown away. Of course, I asked for the recipe…and then I promptly changed it. This recipe is not only healthier, but it is high in protein and good fats. It is keto friendly, heart…

  • Food

    Cupid Chow-Valentine’s Puppy Chow

    If you’ve ever had puppy chow Chex mix, you know just how addicting it is to the taste buds. You can be eating it and the next thing you know, you’ve eaten the whole bowl. Chex has even begun manufacturing and selling their own types of puppy chow. I knew it would be equally tasty and addicting if I did a spin on the puppy chow for Valentine’s Day. Now hear me out, you say you don’t like cherry flavors…well I am here to tell you that you will love this. I had numerous taste testers when I created this and ALL of them loved it! So…I know you will…