• Food

    Red Velvet Cinnamon Rolls

    After perfecting my Better Than Cinnabon Cinnamon Rolls, I of course, had to revamp it. As I was brainstorming the various recipes I could attempt for Valentine’s Day this month, I decided to try my hand a red velvet cinnamon rolls. As I was writing out how I might go about this feat, I kept mumbling “this is either going to be epic, or a major disaster”. Either way, I knew that if I could figure out red velvet cinnamon rolls, it could possibly be even better than my original cinnamon roll recipe. While I did accomplish a successful red velvet cinnamon roll recipe, I will let you be the…

  • Food


    Every holiday season as far back as I can remember, making lefse has been a family tradition. It wasn’t until I became an adult and moved away that I realized just how many steps it takes to create it. The first year I tried my hand at lefse making without parental supervision, I made too large of a batch and it took me several hours four nights in a row to finish baking the batch. I have seriously wised up, and I now have many willing helpers so I don’t have to spend hours in the kitchen. This year was especially fun having these two nerds helping me. I don’t…

  • Food

    Aebleskivers – Scandinavian Pastry

    Growing up, Aebleskivers were a staple on Christmas morning. We’d have Aebleskivers, scrambled eggs, and either sausage or bacon. Since I became an adult and am now responsible for Christmas morning breakfast, I quickly realized just how time consuming Aebleskivers are. So we’ve changed this Norwegian family tradition to suit our timeline. We have them for Christmas Eve breakfast and then again for New Year’s Eve breakfast. Aebleskivers are essentially pancake balls made in a semi-odd shaped cast iron skillet. Some times people like to fill the pastry balls with fresh fruit or fruit jam, we like to keep it simple; plain Aebleskivers served with a sprinkling of powdered sugar…

  • Food

    Easy Apple Hand Pies

    I LOVE pie! I once heard someone say that their favorite pie was a round pie. I’d have to say I agree, but when you can have a pie and it is portable, what more could you ask for? My parents grew up in Western Oregon, where blackberries grow wild. They are so wild, that the locals actually consider them a weed. But, I’m telling you, driving through Salem on south, you could look out your window and see giant, unruly, bushes of blackberries and those blackberries are some of the most flavorful I’ve ever tasted. Every summer, growing up, we’d trek to Oregon to visit family and I would…