Homeschooling: Free Online Educational Games
Now that homeschooling is a thing nationwide, I thought it would be helpful to share the online educational games that my boys enjoy on a regular basis. While I definitely don’t yet classify myself as a homeschooling veteran, I have picked up quite a few tips and tricks since starting homeschool last August. I have many age groups so I need online games that can cater to many grade levels.
- The amigos’ current favorite site is Kahoot! It is a fun-filled site with games, quizzes, and beginner coding programs. Topics range from science, math, media, Disney, superhero, apps, and more. Kids can also create their own games and quizzes. Kahoot! is also an app that can also be downloaded from iTunes or Google Play.
- Smarty Ants is an online program that my YoYo played when he was in kindergarten and first grade. It’s great for preschoolers through to second graders and deals with reading. It gives major emphasis to letter sounds and sounding out words. This is perfect for the younger crowd.
- Nat Geo Kids has always been one of our favorite sites. It’s another one that is full of games, quizzes, videos, and if you happen to have a subscription to their NatGeoKids magazine you can correspond between the two.
- How Stuff Works is another site that is similar to the Nat Geo Kids one. Although, How Stuff Works is geared more toward adolescents and older. It has articles and videos that correspond to the same topic. But it basically answers almost any question in the world that pertains to how things work.
- ABCYa is perfect for any elementary school-age child. It incorporates common core standards if your school district still does that, but you can choose not to have common core as part of the interactive games. Any subject you can think of for elementary age children, ABCYa has it.
- Fun Brain is a great source for online education as well. It is k-8 grades and has games, videos, books to read on the screen; books such as Diary of A Wimpy Kid. Also, one thing I haven’t seen very often, teaching kids ASL (American Sign Language) through videos and games.
- Starfall is another great tool for younger ages. It is perfect for preschool through to third grade. It touches on math and reading and is full of fun, educational games.
- Typing Club is perfect for the child who desperately wants to learn to type. There are typing lessons, as well as games with typing drills.

- Lastly, Prodigy is an online game that is pretty well known already. It is a math game that teaches math skills according to grade level by battling other characters. It is a mid-evil type theme with a fantasy twist and kids can customize their character and earn points to turn around and purchase various items to help them in their battles.
Homeschooling can be difficult and overwhelming when it is something you are not used to. Any extra help is a much-welcomed relief when stuck at home all day with your kiddos. While I do have a curriculum that we use primarily, I do depend on online educational tools and games to reinforce the concepts and tools the boys learn through their school lessons.
Hope y’all are having an amazing week, and if you have an online free educational site that you absolutely love, please comment below.