
Easy Corn Salad

I love having an arsenal of side dishes in my recipe rotation. While heating up frozen vegetables or chopping up fruit and throwing it into a bowl is easy and tasty, sometimes it is nice to have more.

This particular side salad is perfect for a potluck, or BBQ, or to just gorge yourself on at home…it is THAT yummy! A tiny bit of spice, a lot of cheese, plenty of vegetables. What more could a girl ask for?

This particular recipe is especially delicious in the summer months when you can easily get fresh corn on the cob, but using thawed out frozen corn still makes it a special treat.


yields: 10-12 servings

serving size: 1 cup

prep time: 20 minutes

cook time: none


1-2lb bag of frozen corn, thawed (or enough ears of corn to give you 2lbs of kernels)

1 medium jalapeno pepper

1 bell pepper, any color, I prefer red or orange just for aesthetic purposes

1-12oz can of black olives

1 cup shredded cheese, your choice of flavor

3/4 cup mayonnaise

3/4 cup plain greek yogurt, or sour cream

1 tsp garlic powder

1/4 cup fresh chives, chopped


Chop up peppers, olives, and corn if it is on a cob. Place all vegetables in a bowl. In a smaller bowl, mix together the mayonnaise, greek yogurt/sour cream, and garlic powder. Salt and pepper to taste. Add mayo/yogurt mixture to the vegetables and mix until everything is thoroughly coated with the dressing. Add in the cheese and chives and mix again until combined. Adding in bacon bits would be even tastier and give it a little bit of a crunch. Serve immediately or refrigerate up to 4 days. If serving at a potluck or BBQ, keep in mind that there is mayonnaise in it and will spoil if sat out too long. It’d be a cryin’ shame if friends and family came down with food poisoning because of such a delicious salad.

Do you have any sides that you routinely rotate in your recipes? Hope y’all have an amazing week!

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