Hello world!
Howdy, soon to be friends!!! Welcome to my blog, life, craziness. I am SO glad you are here. I thoroughly hope you enjoy laughing with me/at me and my crazy, testosterone filled life. I am definitely lacking in the xx chromosomes in my family. I am the mom of 4 boys, wife to a pretty amazing Mr. Man, nutritionist, lover of food (both preparing and consuming), mother-runner, gymrat, and handbag addict. In my spare time I think about cupcakes and donuts, and occasionally consume cupcakes and donuts. I’m currently working towards my dietitian degree/license and also contemplating adding a personal trainer certification to go along with my degree.
I currently live in Vegas with my family, twin 9 year olds (Bean and Keegs), a 5 year old (YoYo), and a itty bitty brand new little man (Goob). I have spent my almost 15 year marriage following Mr. Man around the country while he serves in the Air Force. We’ve lived and loved every place we’ve been stationed. We’ve met some pretty amazing people, and we’ve forged friendships that last the distance.
I LOVE baseball! Go Cubs Go!!! Honestly though, just watching baseball is one of my favorite activities. I love cheering my boy brigade at their various baseball games and it makes my heart melt when my boys end up cheering on the Cubs louder than I do.
I have a very outdoorsy family, we spend at least 1-2 Saturdays every month hiking and exploring Mt. Charleston and/or Red Rock. Every year we make a goal in January to try to hike every single trail at Red Rock. We even try to go hiking when we are on vacation. It’s always so fun to explore the local area. I love to snow ski/board in the winters and wake board in the summers.
If you’d like to know more, head on over to my about me page ‘Who is the Girl on Foxy Lane?’. Otherwise, stick around and see what sort of shenanigans I try to get myself out of.