Katie Marie

  • Katie Marie

    Goal Setting: A Growth Mindset

    I am writing this to you from good o’le Omaha, Nebraska. My birthplace, the place I first met Matthew, the place where I spent a good portion of my childhood. Being here for the past week, I have had plenty of time to reflect and evaluate how much I’ve grown and changed over the last few decades. When I left Nebraska, I was just about to begin high school. I thought I already knew who I was and what I wanted to do with my life. Oh, the things I could tell my 15-year-old self. I’d like to say that I came to the realization that I have absolutely no…

  • Katie Marie

    Life Audit-2019

    I am a list maker, goal setter, time blocker, planner…post-its are everywhere and my planner is almost always open so I know what’s coming. Years ago, I assumed I did this was because I was organized and in charge of my life. Now I know it is the complete opposite. I make lists, time block and plan because I try to anticipate change. It is my way of attempting to control the uncontrollable. And, of course, while I know life is full of chaos and change, that still doesn’t stop me from attempting some control. Every December for as long as I can remember, I take nearly the whole month…

  • Katie Marie

    Life Update

    I’ve been thinking about where to start, turning it over in my mind over and over…and over. I guess I just start at the beginning. I have worn glasses for the past 25 years. Having difficulty seeing without corrective lenses is the norm for me. In fact, my eyesight has become so distorted (thank you pregnancies and children) that I have to wear contacts in the shower so I can see. Glasses/contacts are an accessory that everyone in my family has…well, except my brother who is a lucky duck and was able to have PRK done last year. Recently I had my annual eye exam to update my contact and…

  • Katie Marie

    Birthday Giveaway

      It’s my birthday week…more specifically, I am a Halloween baby.  Growing up I absolutely loved my birthday.  I loved getting cake, presents, and candy.  I loved having dozens of visitors and wishing them a Happy Halloween.  As I’ve grown older, my birthday doesn’t hold as much of an appeal as it used to as a kid.  Now that I am a mom, Halloween has become a different kind of special.  It is so fun watching the boys become excited about dressing up and getting candy.  The one thing that has not changed for me over the years is that as much as I love getting presents, I love giving…

  • Katie Marie

    What If…Semicolon Movement

    What if Goob wakes up and I don’t get enough sleep.  What if I don’t get the boys to school on time.  What if I look fat in the yoga pants I chose for the gym.  What if I don’t have as good of a workout as I hope.  What if I don’t have the motivation to clean the house like I planned to.  What if I don’t finish my master’s degree.  What if no one reads my blog.  What if I never live up to the expectations of my husband.  What if Mr. Man deploys soon.  What if we can’t sell our house.  What if I never lose the baby…

  • Family,  Katie Marie

    Mom Shaming

    Mom-shaming…it is something has become WAY too prominent.  I’ve been mom-shamed too many times to count.  For some reason, everyone has an opinion and they think they need to voice it.  I have totally been a mom-shamer as well.  It is easy to jump to conclusions and assume the worst.  What prompted me to write this post was my beautiful, intelligent cousin.  She tweeted about a mom who seemed would rather play a game on her phone than give her children any attention.  The things she was writing that this mom was saying…well let’s just say if I were the one overhearing her I would’ve totally stepped in.  But my…

  • Katie Marie

    10 Weirdly Interesting Things About Me

    #1-I once bought a metal detector from Walmart to help my sister search for her car keys that she had lost while sledding down Old Main Hill at Utah State University.  We never found the keys, I returned the used metal detector, and my parents weren’t terribly happy I aided and abetted my sister in her shenanigans. #2-Qualifying for and then running in the Bostom Marathon is at the top of my bucket list. #3-My first job was at age 13, sharing a newspaper route with my sister.  Every Saturday dad would help us fold the papers, drive us around and then take us to get donuts.  Best job I’ve ever…

  • Katie Marie

    Hello world!

    Howdy, soon to be friends!!!  Welcome to my blog, life, craziness.  I am SO glad you are here.  I thoroughly hope you enjoy laughing with me/at me and my crazy, testosterone filled life.  I am definitely lacking in the xx chromosomes in my family.  I am the mom of 4 boys, wife to a pretty amazing Mr. Man, nutritionist, lover of food (both preparing and consuming), mother-runner, gymrat, and handbag addict.  In my spare time I think about cupcakes and donuts, and occasionally consume cupcakes and donuts.  I’m currently working towards my dietitian degree/license and also contemplating adding a personal trainer certification to go along with my degree. I currently…