• Food

    Mexican Street Corn Dip

    If you’ve never had Mexican street corn, you have not lived! It is SO heavenly, but since corn on the cob can be difficult to find at times, I decided to fill my need for Mexican street corn by creating a dip that is nearly as good. The best part about this dip is that it is extremely easy to double or triple this recipe to make for a crowd. This dip is all of the flavors of Mexican street corn, but totally gringo friendly in the kitchen. I like to make this with frozen corn, but it can easily be made with canned corn as well. Have you ever…

  • Food

    Mexican Corn Chowder

    Right now, the weather has decided to warm up enough to feel like spring…but in the 8 years I’ve lived in Las Vegas, that is rather typical. Winter lasts for approximately a month, or what we natives (or transplanted natives-2 of my kids were born here) call winter. Then usually toward the end of January, we hit 50°F-60°F weather. It is glorious and at the same time depressing…knowing that just around the corner is triple-digit weather. Even though it is the perfect park-playing weather, we are still savoring every moment it is cool enough to consume soup. My kiddos especially love corn chowder, but this time I decided to put…

  • Food

    Easy Corn Salad

    I love having an arsenal of side dishes in my recipe rotation. While heating up frozen vegetables or chopping up fruit and throwing it into a bowl is easy and tasty, sometimes it is nice to have more. This particular side salad is perfect for a potluck, or BBQ, or to just gorge yourself on at home…it is THAT yummy! A tiny bit of spice, a lot of cheese, plenty of vegetables. What more could a girl ask for? This particular recipe is especially delicious in the summer months when you can easily get fresh corn on the cob, but using thawed out frozen corn still makes it a special…