• Food

    Pumpkin Alfredo-One Pot Pasta

    I know, I know…it is not the time of year for all things pumpkin. I was cleaning out my pantry and noticed I had a can of pumpkin puree that would expire next month. That’s when this pasta recipe began to percolate deep in my brain. Channeling my inner autumn season, I decided I wanted to do more than many a sweet treat or dessert with this particular can of pumpkin puree. I thought…well, pumpkins are a squash food…and nearly everything tastes better with cheese…so Pumpkin Alfredo was born. Then I wanted to attempt to make it in one single pot. There isn’t anything much more satisfying when dinner is…

  • Food


    Every holiday season as far back as I can remember, making lefse has been a family tradition. It wasn’t until I became an adult and moved away that I realized just how many steps it takes to create it. The first year I tried my hand at lefse making without parental supervision, I made too large of a batch and it took me several hours four nights in a row to finish baking the batch. I have seriously wised up, and I now have many willing helpers so I don’t have to spend hours in the kitchen. This year was especially fun having these two nerds helping me. I don’t…

  • Food

    Vodka-Less Penne

    I am not someone who drinks…for many reasons. Other than personal values, I am SO easily affected by medication. I take Sudafed and I become loopy. I take hydrocodone and I can’t remember my own name. I can’t remember my own name if I don’t get at least 7 hours of sleep consecutively on a regular basis. I just don’t possess the mental capacity to add anything to my body. So when my younger brother came to me and asked if I’d take a look at his vodka-less penne recipe, I jumped in. Honestly, my first reaction to his request was ‘just buy the vodka and the alcohol cooks out’.…

  • Food

    Mango Salsa

    With the weather warming up and seasons growing close to change; it is fun to pull out old recipes that excite my tastebuds. While I usually do not discriminate against any type of salsa; sweet/spicy salsas tend to be my favorite. It gives Mexican foods a nice contrast to the usually salty flavors. Pineapple salsa and mango salsa are some of my most favorites. I’ve also made kiwi salsa, which is a fun variation to the typical yellow tropical fruit salsas. Another reason I like this salsa recipe is there are no added oils. Other than a sprinkle of salt, pepper, and granulated sugar, there are no added condiments to…

  • Food

    Meatless Tex-Mex Bowls

    While I am a carnivore at heart, I do love a good meatless meal. The American Heart Association’s recommendations with meat, poultry, and, eggs are 8-9 servings a week. If you are eating 3 square meals daily, then you have to go without meat or animal proteins for more than half of your meals to have a well-balanced diet. If you consume a breakfast burrito one morning that has both eggs and sausage, that is 2 servings of animal protein and you’ve already eaten 1/4 of your weekly recommended animal protein intake. The science behind this is that animal proteins tend to be higher in saturated fats, which is one…

  • Food

    Lemon Poppyseed Muffins

    I’m currently taking a chemistry food class for my Dietetic degree and lemme tell you, I have learned A LOT. I recently completed a lab involving baking muffins and learning all about the proper leavening agent ratio to acidity ratio. I thought I made decent muffins in the past, but I’ve totally upped my game. This recipe is my first recipe with my newly learned techniques, and the muffins turned out beautifully. Tips for Perfect Muffins: The wet and dry ingredients MUST be mixed separately in bowls before they are combined. It is extremely tempting to combine it all in one bowl, but this is a HUGE no-no. If the…

  • Food

    Quick Instapot French Onion Soup

    Last month was my mother’s birthday. She and my dad flew in for the holidays on her birthday. Her only request was that no one talk politics (her birthday was the day after the finalization of the House Impeachment Hearings). AND…to everyone’s surprise, my dad appeased her; even though my husband sure tried to goat my dad. As I was meal planning for the holidays, I knew I wanted to create something super special for my mom in honor of her birthday. One of her favorite soups is French Onion soup, but I know she is extra picky about the texture and flavors so she rarely finds one that meets…

  • Food

    Easy Apple Hand Pies

    I LOVE pie! I once heard someone say that their favorite pie was a round pie. I’d have to say I agree, but when you can have a pie and it is portable, what more could you ask for? My parents grew up in Western Oregon, where blackberries grow wild. They are so wild, that the locals actually consider them a weed. But, I’m telling you, driving through Salem on south, you could look out your window and see giant, unruly, bushes of blackberries and those blackberries are some of the most flavorful I’ve ever tasted. Every summer, growing up, we’d trek to Oregon to visit family and I would…