• Food

    Perfect Peach Pie

    I love pie, it is one of my most favorite desserts. Pies can be sweet or savory, filled with fruit or cream, sometimes they are sweet and savory. They are very versatile and can be altered to the baker’s tastes. Apple pie is easily in my top 3 favorite pies, but this year peach pie has been edging its way to number 1. While I prefer peach pie made with freshly harvested peaches, this recipe is perfect for fresh or frozen peaches. This recipe also has my perfected pie crust. I have been working on this for a LONG time. Pie crust is supposed to be light and flaky. I…

  • Food

    Chocolate Strawberry Hand Pies

    I love chocolate covered strawberries. It is always a treat when my husband or my dad give me some as a gift. I love strawberries SO much that when I was a toddler I refused to eat strawberries unless I picked them directly off the plant. So of course, I just had to create a dessert that involved fresh strawberries and a yummy chocolate hazelnut spread. The combination of strawberries and chocolate hazelnut spread is just a match made in heaven and the perfect combination for any dessert, but most especially for any Valentine’s dessert. How much do you love chocolate and strawberries together? Have you tried strawberries with a…

  • Food

    Autumn Peach Cobbler

    Every year toward the end of summer beginning of autumn, we make a trip to the local orchard for fresh apples, peaches, and pears. This year with how crazy 2020 has been, I decided instead to pick up a bushel of peaches from someone who picked them from the orchard already. While we missed doing our own picking, the peaches were amazing. Last night, I realized that we are down to our last dozen peaches and decided we needed some peach cobbler in our lives. Homemade peach cobbler is a must every year around this time. What are some of your favorite peach recipes? Do you absolutely love autumn and…

  • Food

    Easy Apple Hand Pies

    I LOVE pie! I once heard someone say that their favorite pie was a round pie. I’d have to say I agree, but when you can have a pie and it is portable, what more could you ask for? My parents grew up in Western Oregon, where blackberries grow wild. They are so wild, that the locals actually consider them a weed. But, I’m telling you, driving through Salem on south, you could look out your window and see giant, unruly, bushes of blackberries and those blackberries are some of the most flavorful I’ve ever tasted. Every summer, growing up, we’d trek to Oregon to visit family and I would…