• Food

    Pumpkin Molasses Cookies

    Molasses cookies are a family favorite. When I announced I was going to make a pumpkin version of them I received quite a few whines and a couple of “why mess with a good thing?” But I was not deterred. I was on a cookie making mission and could not be swayed one way or the other. And boy was I glad I didn’t listen to anyone’s negative comments, because this recipe ended up being another family favorite. They are a little more fluffy than my original molasses cookies, but still just as good. This recipe only uses about half of a pumpkin puree can, so if you need ideas…

  • Food

    How To: Brining A Turkey

    Turkey is something that we only do on Thanksgiving, so we make sure we do it right. While turkey is tasty any time of the year, we like to mix it up for other holidays. Typically we end up cooking two turkeys…roasting one and deep frying one, and this year was no different. This year though, I wanted to perfect my brining game. If you aren’t aware of what brining is and what it does to meat…then keep reading. Brining meat involves submerging it in a liquid-filled with salt that has been dissolved. Doing this not only adds flavor, but it changes the composition of the meat over time and…

  • Food

    Pumpkin Spice Roll with Chocolate Mascarpone Filling

    My husband, Matthew, LOVES pumpkin pie. Actually, he just loves pumpkin-flavored things in general. I, on the other hand, do not…unless it happens to have chocolate with it. Pumpkin spice chocolate chip cookies, yes! Pumpkin spice roll with chocolate filling, ABSOLUTELY! So, I made a compromise with Matthew and asked what he thought about having this instead of the traditional pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving this year. Thankfully he completely agreed. Do you have any recipes that are a variation of the original? Hope y’all had a Happy Thanksgiving!