A Wrinkle In Time
A Wrinkle In Time has had a special place in my heart for nearly two decades. I first read it in 6th grade and absolutely fell in love with Meg, Calvin, and Charles Wallace. It was the first semi-grown up book I read. Before that I had mainly stuck to chapter books that didn’t have deep and meaningful themes. The American Girl books, Boxcar Children, and all things Judy Blume were my favorites when visiting the library. A Wrinkle In Time introduced me to the Sci-Fi genre and forced me to critically think about the characters and various themes of the book.
A Wrinkle In Time begins with Meg Murry, a typical high schooler, who is struggling to know her true self and find her perfect fit in the world. She is the oldest of four with twin brothers, Sandy and Dennys, and her youngest brother, Charles Wallace. Calvin O’Keefe is a classmate of Meg’s, but where Meg’s teenage angst is worn on her sleeve, Calvin has made a concerted effort to fit into high school life. He plays basketball and has cultured friendships through sports. Charles Wallace is the baby of the family, and yet he definitely exudes an old soul. His intuition is extremely apparent from the very beginning of the story and his IQ and knowledge far outweighs his age and size.

Much like the four siblings of the Chronicles of Narnia series, Meg is in a hurry to grow up. Her primary flaw is the abhorant loathing of change. Her incessant need to have an answer to everything causes significant instability in herself and affects her opinions of those around her. Calvin is very much the yin to her yang. Adventure excites him and he easily takes life in strides. While Calvin’s laissez-faire attitude easily bothers Meg, her need to feel accepted and liked by Calvin outweighs her annoyance. In her need for acceptance, Calvin’s fluid outlook on life begins to calm Meg and change her in ways she does notice immediately.
The main theme of A Wrinkle In Time is good triumphing over evil and love prevails. Meg, Calvin, and Charles Wallace, three very different yet extremely compatible individuals, ultimately set out to rescue Meg and Charles Wallace’s father. Mr. Murry is a physicist who’s primary focus is traveling through time. He works for the US government and ends up disappearing without a trace. With the aid of three very unlikely individuals-Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who, and Mrs. Which; Meg, Calvin, and Charles Wallace embark on an adventure of a lifetime.

Ultimately, I give A Wrinkle In Time five stars. It is the first in a five book series and kicks off Meg’s story with an emotional bang. With good prevailing over evil, the endorsement of meaningful relationships, and the journey to find one’s true self; this book is the perfect choice for any 5th-8th grade reader. The comprehension questions include a handful of vocabulary words for each chapter. While the vocab isn’t necessary, I have found it has aided my boys in better understanding the imagery Madeleine L’Engle portrays. If your child has an extensive imagination, they will surely enjoy A Wrinkle in Time.

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