Homeschooling 101: Educational YouTube Channels
As a homeschooling parent, utilizing resources any way you can definitely makes the process a lot smoother. While I have a whole host of educational online games that I love, I use educational YouTube videos more often in lessons and teaching. Sometimes children just respond better to someone on the screen than their own parents.
While there is plenty of mind-numbing, useless, hilarious content on YouTube…
Like this one…for example…
There is also PLENTY of educational, entertaining videos and channels that cater to all ages…from preschool to high school. Below are some of my favorite YouTube Channels.

Beginning with the younger ages, Have Fun Teaching is perfect for Pre-K through to 2nd-grade ages. Ranging in a variety of subjects, from math and language arts to science. The way they teach is through fun songs with catchy tunes. They have even been able to take some popular songs, like What Does the Foxy Say and Ice Ice Baby, and revamp them into songs with lyrics full of educational information.

Free school is the perfect channel for 3rd-6th graders and with some topics, even middle schoolers. They cover just about every subject, from American History to biology and everything in between. Free School even has a playlist for music and music history.

YouTube Learning is a channel that YouTube has complied with any and all educational topics. Literature and language arts, math help and science, they have it all. They have linked channels with educational themes like PBS directly to this page.

Disney Educational Productions is a fun channel and is full of quick clips with fun educational facts. It has easily recognizable Disney characters and is a huge hit with the younger grades.

Homeschool Pop is definitely one of my favorite channels. A homeschool dad is the creator of this channel and he not only homeschools, creates YouTube content, but he’s also a writer. Homeschool Pop is perfect for every elementary grade and hits almost every subject.

A review of educational material just isn’t complete without National Geographic. The Nat Geo YouTube channel is just as every bit entertaining and educational as its TV channel and online site. Using this in conjunction with their online site that is full of educational games makes for the perfect pairing in biology and science.

If you are looking for a science channel that is full of facts and experiments, look no further than Science Max and SciShow Kids. Both of these channels are packed with all things science and have very entertaining videos with science experiments and almost every scientific subject out there.

Now for the older minds. While most YouTube educational channels cater to the younger ages, there are several that are great for high schoolers and even college age. If you have a student who loves math and science then keep reading.

AsapSCIENCE is dedicated to making sense of science and making science fun. It is geared toward teenagers and young adults but isn’t inappropriate for younger ages. They show experiments such as what happens to your face and body when you stay awake for several days in a row. Or what alcohol does to your body. Definitely an entertaining while educational channel.

Think Twice is one of two YouTube channels that I am highlighting today which is solely all things math and the sciences that are math-based. If your child is having difficulty understanding a certain mathematical topic, this channel is for you.

Lastly, I learned of 3Blue1Brown from a brainiack friend. This channel, like Think Twice, is all things mathematics and physics. Personally, I don’t understand most of the theories or equations on this channel. The max extent of my mathematical and scientific knowledge ends with chemistry, nutrition, and pre-calculus. But, if you have a child who loves all things mathematics, then this channel is for you.
Right now, with the whole world homeschooling, it can be very overwhelming and induce feelings of inadequacy. Take it from a homeschool mom, teaching your children can be frustrating, difficult, and down right stressful; but if you are able to find tools and tricks to help, it makes schooling a much smoother process. Do you have any YouTube channels that are perfect for educational purposes? Hope y’all are having an amazing week!