
Amazon: Kitchen Must-Haves

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I am ALWAYS on the hunt for the kitchen tool oddball. Nowadays with shopping at our fingertips, it is so easy and convenient to just click ‘add to cart’. Kitchen and household items are constantly being reinvented and I am a sucker for anything that eases cooking/baking.

It doesn’t help that Matthew also likes to send me the weird tool that will make me scratch my head, but also intrigue me enough to purchase it. I have to admit, it was rather difficult to narrow down the top five items I am loving this month; but I was successful. So here are my top five kitchen favorites from Amazon for this month.

I am from the Midwest, particularly the state known for corn. Eating corn on the cob is a vital part of summers in our family. BUT…no matter what I try, there is always stubborn corn silk that won’t budge. When I came across this corn silk remover, I knew I had to try it. Guess what?! It works! I have already purchased a second one because my boys fight over who gets to use the brush. It is dishwasher safe and I absolutely LOVE this odd, circular thing.

Cleaning the microwave is at the top of my list of things I loath cleaning in the kitchen. I’ve tried all the tricks on Pinterest. Doesn’t matter, it is still cleaning the inside of the microwave. This next item has made it possible to not have to clean the inside of the microwave nearly as often.

I’ve had several microwave food covers in the past, but this one has been the best by far…it collapses! Dishwasher safe, collapses easy for storage…what more would you need from a microwave food cover?

I’ve talked about bench scrapers before, but I just have to mention them again. Ten or so years ago I watched the Food Network Channel religiously. Our TiVo was filled with cooking shows. Rachel Ray was one that I loved watching, especially her 30-Minute Meal show. One of her tools she constantly used was a bench scraper. After a couple of episodes I was sold. I particularly love her design because it has raised sides so the food doesn’t fall off while transferring.

Again, dishwasher safe. Honestly, if I routinely use something in my kitchen that isn’t dishwasher safe, it has to be something I absolutely cannot live without. AND, this item is something I would totally wash by hand every single time if it called for it.

Have you seen that hack where you placed cooked chicken breast into an electric mixer and it will supposedly shred the chicken for you? Yaaaa…that didn’t work for me. I honestly don’t know where I went wrong, but instead of shredded chicken, I ended up with what looked like powdered chicken. Needless to say, I only tried that trick once. I’ve been hand shredding chicken and other meats ever since. BUT…then Matthew gifted me these one Christmas (he is always super nervous gifting me household tools), but I have seriously been in love ever since.

These Bear Paws, meat shredding claws are the best thing ever! The shred any type of meat so quickly and efficiently, and yet again, they are dishwasher safe. This is another quirky kitchen tool my children fight over to use when necessary.

This last kitchen item has been in my kitchen for years. In fact, I have multiples of this tool. If you use various oils and vinegars in your kitchen often, then you need this tool as well. I’ve tried several types of oil dispensers over the years, and I always come back to Rachel Ray’s design.

I am not going to sugar coat it; it is kind of a funny-looking design. But she did not mess around when she approved the final product. The design may be a little odd, but it works. The handle is perfect. Since the material the dispenser is made out of ceramic and not glass, it keeps the oils and vinegars from spoiling quite a lot longer than a glass dispenser.

What are some of your favorite kitchen tools that you never thought you’d end up loving? Please share with me! I am always looking for new kitchen tools. Hope y’all are having an amazing week. Stay safe and hug your loved ones.

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