• Homeschool

    Amazon: Homeschool Must-Haves

    Contains affiliate links We’ve been a homeschool family for over 18 months now. While I am by no means an expert, I have found some amazing products that I seriously couldn’t live without while on this homeschooling journey. I love these finds so much I decided I absolutely must share with y’all. Our school desk is a table I found in the clearance section at our local furniture store. It is perfect because it fits up to 8 people, has 3 pull-out drawers on each of the long sides of the table, and it has been super durable. Still, I didn’t want the boys to scratch the tabletop with pens…

  • Food

    Maple Roasted Beets and Carrots

    Contains affiliate links My dad loves beets. I mean he LOVES beets. We always dreaded the dinners where beets were a side dish. It didn’t matter if they were canned, boiled, baked…I always thought they tasted like dirt. After a while, my parents gave up forcing their children to like beets. I hadn’t consumed beets since then, but I always wanted to try my hand a roasting them. Visiting my parents this last week, I knew I would find several pounds of fresh beets sitting in the refrigerator waiting to be consumed. Remember when I said my dad LOVES beets? He eats them as a snack if they are available.…

  • Homeschool

    Homeschool 101: Exploration of Germs

    Contains affiliate links Somehow I have been accepted into a homeschool science group with three other moms…who I might add, are all amazing ladies. We have children that are all similar in ages and we’ve been wanting to add more to our curriculum as well as give our children more interaction with their friends. One of the moms and I had already been doing various science experiments with our kiddos together. It helps because she has her degree in secondary education emphasis in science. I’ve come up with quite a few primitive science experiments for our children, but this mom has created a whole science homeschool curriculum for our kiddos…

  • Food

    Baked Apple Pie Donuts

    Contains affiliate links My autumn candles are lit, my sweaters are ready for wear, and I am cooking/baking up a storm of recipes filled with fresh ingredients of the season. Last autumn, I was obsessed with creating the perfect apple cider donut. I became frustrated that I couldn’t figure out how to accentuate the apple flavor. While the recipe I settled on was very tasty, I still was bothered by it. This season, I decided to up my game. I realized I wasn’t just searching for that apple flavor, but instead all of the taste of the apple pie, except in a donut. Well…this recipe has 3 types of apples…

  • Food

    Oven-Baked Nachos

    Contains affiliate links I’ve always loved nachos, but could never figure out how to make them and keep the toppings warm while at the same time not also destroying the kitchen and running around like a crazy person. I don’t know why it took me so long to realize that oven-baked nachos was the way to go. Oven-baked nachos are seriously the easiest thing ever. And you can cater them to your tastes as well as if you have any dietary restrictions, it is super easy to add or take away ingredients. Another aspect is how easy oven-baked nachos feeds a large crowd. I typically make a large half-sheet cake…

  • Food

    Creamy Pesto Alfredo Pasta

    Contains affiliate links Pasta is definitely one of my easy go-to’s for dinner. Typically I whip out the premade meatballs and marinara or frozen cheesy tortellini, but occasionally I make a quick homemade sauce, especially when I can do the sauce in less than 10 minutes, requires no cooking, and can be thrown into the blender. And…pesto is one of those sauces. Pesto, do you know what pesto is? It is the Italian green sauce. It is fresh herbs and spices and is typically served over pasta, but is also extremely tasty on toasted Italian bread. While you can use typical pasta, I have been loving Banza pasta lately. It…

  • DIY

    Stripping Laundry

    Contains affiliate links Stripping laundry, not to be confused with ‘stripping’ laundry, is stripping the chemical buildup of detergent and fabric softener overtime, as well as stubborn bacteria that lingers in clothing and linens. I’ve heard about this from friends in the past. I had seen their before and after photos, and I still did not believe. It was kind of like a similar denial where a storm is coming and you know you need to get to the store to stock up on water and other essentials, but you keep telling yourself it won’t be that bad. All of the excuses ran through my head…we aren’t dirty people, I…

  • Food

    Lemon Bar Blondies

    Contains affiliate links I am all for a good brownie, but lately, blondies have had my heart. Honestly, anything with fresh lemon flavoring is where my taste buds have been leaning toward all summer. There is just something so refreshing about lemons in the midst of a massive heatwave. We’ve been above 100°F for most of July and all of August thus far. The worst part right now is we have the heat, and we’ve been increasing in humidity as well with monsoon season starting up. Between the humidity and the smoke traveling from California, I am DYING for a good downpour. Growing up in the Midwest, whenever the weather…

  • Food

    Amazon: Kitchen Must-Haves

    Contains affiliate links I am ALWAYS on the hunt for the kitchen tool oddball. Nowadays with shopping at our fingertips, it is so easy and convenient to just click ‘add to cart’. Kitchen and household items are constantly being reinvented and I am a sucker for anything that eases cooking/baking. It doesn’t help that Matthew also likes to send me the weird tool that will make me scratch my head, but also intrigue me enough to purchase it. I have to admit, it was rather difficult to narrow down the top five items I am loving this month; but I was successful. So here are my top five kitchen favorites…

  • Food

    Chicken Enchilada Chili

    Contains affiliate links Chili is one of my go-to’s whenever I am not entirely sure what to make for dinner. I always have canned beans and some sort of protein in my food storage. Last week, I was in a major meal planning rut. The average temperature here in Las Vegas has been over 110°F. I don’t know about you, but when temperatures reach an ungodly high, I have absolutely no desire to turn on my oven or stove. That’s when my instapot comes in handy. Like most of my other chili recipes, this one is made in the instapot, or pressure cooker; but can just as easily be created…