
  • Family

    Wambulance Jar

    I am fed up!  The whining and complaining have got to stop!  So…we now have a ‘wambulance jar’.  Do you remember Disney’s The Kid with Bruce Willis?  His character is is everything I want to be on a daily basis.  Anywho, the whining and complaining have reached an all-time level in this house, so…we now have a wambulance jar.  Any time one of the amigos’ whines, complains, is mean, etc they owe a quarter for the jar.  Should I be excited we’ve accrued quite a coin collection already?  Or should I be disappointed that that means we have whiny kids who have learned not to whine?  Either way, Mr. Man and…

  • Family

    Must Have Baby Items

    Each one of my boys has been very different as babies.  The twins were bottle fed.  Both of them had infant GERD and Keegs was very talented in the art of projectile spit up.  I pumped for the first 6 months of their life and weighed down the milk with rice cereal to help keep the milk in their stomachs’ as long as possible before either one regurgitated it.  After I no longer pumped we switched to special acid reflux formula that also had rice cereal in it.  As for YoYo, I nursed exclusively until he was 13 months old.  I totally overproduced milk with Yo and even though he…

  • Family

    Baby Gear You Don’t Need

    When preparing for your little one to make his/her appearance there are definitely a lot of resources, baby stores, and unsolicited opinions.  It doesn’t matter if you are expecting your first baby or your eighth baby.  While I am definitely not an expert; I have gained some knowledge and experience over the last 10 years of parenting.  What do you need?  What can you do without?  What should you splurge on and what should you save on?  Below is a list of items I found I could do without. Wipes Warmer Pee-Pee Teepee Yes, I only have boys, and yes girls don’t use Pee-Pee Teepees…either way I found both the…