
Chorizo 3 Bean Chili

The weather has turned cooler here in Las Vegas, which means I can now comfortably consume chili and soup.  I absolutely love chili and soup, but I just can’t bring myself to eat either when the temperature is high.  This time of year just makes me want to hibernate (which is why I’ve been so lazy and neglectful on social media) and consume all sorts of comfort foods.  I have several chili recipes that are family favorites, but this one is definitely towards the top of the list.  Each part of the country has their own way to correctly make chili, Texans think it’s an abomination to put beans in their chili, whereas midwesterners think the more beans the better.  Some states have to consume cornbread with chili, where I grew up (Nebraska) believe it or not, the kosher thing to do is to eat chili with cinnamon rolls.  It sounds just horrid, but it is divine!  Most of the time we have cornbread with our traditional chilis just because I am usually too lazy to make cinnamon rolls from scratch…but if I find myself baking cinnamon rolls to enjoy, I definitely cook chili within a few days.  If you’d like to recreate this recipe, keep scrolling.

Chroizo 3 Bean Chili


2lb beef or pork chorizo

1 orange bell pepper

1 red bell pepper

1 sweet onion

1 16oz bag frozen corn

1 can black beans, drained and rinsed

2 cans chili flavored kidney beans

1 can pinto beans, drained and rinsed

2 Tbsp ground cumin

Salt and pepper to taste

Optional toppings: green onions, chives, cheese, sour cream, honey, corn chips, chopped tomatoes


Uncase the chorizo from its tubing and place in an already heated deep pot.  No need to add any oil because the chorizo will produce plenty of fat as it cooks.  As the chorizo cooks (stir it every couple of minutes so it doesn’t burn), chop bell peppers and onion, add to chorizo.  Pour in the beans and frozen corn, stir and let cook for 5 minutes.  Add in the ground cumin and simmer for 15 minutes to let the flavors marry.  Serve immediately or store in the refrigerator for up to 4 days.  Can also be frozen for up to a year.


What is your favorite chili recipe?  Does it have beans, no beans?  What do you eat your chili with?  Hope y’all are having an amazing week.

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