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    Life of a Military Wife

    Parasailing at UPT-2006 I am a military wife.  I have been since January of 2006.  And before that, I was a military brat from birth.  When Mr. Man commissioned I thought I knew exactly what I was getting into because I grew up with a military dad; boy was I wrong.  Growing up it was normal to have a dad that couldn’t always make it to my sporting events or recitals.  I knew he loved me, I knew he would’ve been there if he could.  I watched my mom be a super-mom because, well shiz always hit the fan whenever dad was unavailable.  I distinctly remember when we lived in Spokane,…

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    Moving? To DITY or Not To DITY

    So…you’re moving.  You have orders in hand, you may or may not be headed to a base/post that you are excited about.  Maybe it’s your first move right out of training, or maybe you’ve moved a lot but you’ve never moved yourself.  You are probably overwhelmed, worried, anxious.  Those feelings are all 100% normal.  Never fear, I am here to provide you with tips and tricks that have worked for my family, share a few anecdotal stories of moves, and hopefully empower you or at the very least relieve some anxiety. In the 35 years I’ve been alive, I have participated in 8 full DITY moves and 2 partial DITY…