• Homeschool

    2nd Grade Checklist

    School has begun for most families, and every state/county is doing something different with their education. The county I currently reside in is full speed completely online. Parents are struggling at times, teachers are struggling, students are already sick of screen time. If you are one of those parents, you may be asking yourself why you aren’t just homeschooling your children yourself instead. Either way, being sure your child is meeting/passing their milestones for their age and grade can be daunting on any normal day. While I already compiled a list for kindergarten and 1st grade, I wanted to continue the lists for the rest of the elementary grades. So…

  • Homeschool

    First Grade Check List

    You did it! You made it! You successful, maybe sort of successfully helped your kindergartner through their first official year of school. (Especially if your child’s kindergarten year was during the COVID-19 pandemic). Now you are facing first grade. Some of you may be thinking that you ‘totally got this’, while others of you may be feeling anxiety over first grade. Maybe your child went to half-day kindergarten and you are worried about your child attempting full-day first grade. Maybe you’ve heard about sight words and are already feeling overwhelmed. Whatever it may be, transitioning from kindergarten to first grade can cause anxiety and unrest. If you are anything like…

  • Homeschool

    Homeschool 101: Kindergarten Checklist

    When I became a mom with children in school, my biggest concern was making sure they never fell too far behind for their age and development. Honestly, with my oldest (my twins), that was something I worried about pretty much from 12 months on when they both qualified for speech therapy. In the early years, both my twins went through years of various types of therapy…speech to rid the twin talk. Occupational for twin A because he was diagnosed with a minor sensory processing disorder and for twin B because he had GERD as a baby with then resulted in a VERY picky palate and throwing up when trying anything…

  • Family

    So Long Kindergarten

    Photo Credit: The Photo Guys I just can’t believe Yo-Man graduated kindergarten today.  It seems like yesterday he was insisting on only peeing outside…and constantly asking to play hide-and-seek.  He’s constantly making me laugh at the same time challenging my patience.  Yo flew into our lives on May 14th, 2012.  His due date was the 13th, which happened to be Mother’s Day but decided to torture me and wait another day.  When he did decide to evict himself he was out in a little over 3 hours.  Scared the crap out of me and my epidural didn’t even kick in until he was already born.  I kept yelling at the…