Anxiety: Crying Over Pork Chops
I failed at life today…okay, that is a gross overstatement. But, I did fail at dinner. Tonight will go down in infamy as the night mom had a major meltdown over undercooked pork chops. That is how anxiety works…repressing and living in denial until that last, most of the time, small drop causes the glass to spill over. The first time I had a panic attack, it was triggered by the fact that I had accidentally shrunk the ironing board cover in the dryer and it wouldn’t fit. If I am completely honest with myself, I could have easily thrown the pork chops back on the stove. The thing that…
Life Update
I’ve been thinking about where to start, turning it over in my mind over and over…and over. I guess I just start at the beginning. I have worn glasses for the past 25 years. Having difficulty seeing without corrective lenses is the norm for me. In fact, my eyesight has become so distorted (thank you pregnancies and children) that I have to wear contacts in the shower so I can see. Glasses/contacts are an accessory that everyone in my family has…well, except my brother who is a lucky duck and was able to have PRK done last year. Recently I had my annual eye exam to update my contact and…
I have written and rewritten this post too many times to count. It has been a struggle to put my thoughts and feelings into words. This week has been one of the toughest in my life. Just like anyone else, I’ve endured many trials, nothing terribly unique. Mr. Man and I have had struggles and hardships we’ve weathered through…but this week…this week has definitely made me pull out my big girl panties. I can do hard things! I CAN do hard things! I can…but usually I don’t want to. I am a stubborn, hardheaded gal. Probably because my dad comes from a long line of Norwegians. When it comes to…