• Food

    Red Velvet Cinnamon Rolls

    After perfecting my Better Than Cinnabon Cinnamon Rolls, I of course, had to revamp it. As I was brainstorming the various recipes I could attempt for Valentine’s Day this month, I decided to try my hand a red velvet cinnamon rolls. As I was writing out how I might go about this feat, I kept mumbling “this is either going to be epic, or a major disaster”. Either way, I knew that if I could figure out red velvet cinnamon rolls, it could possibly be even better than my original cinnamon roll recipe. While I did accomplish a successful red velvet cinnamon roll recipe, I will let you be the…

  • Food

    Red Velvet Whoopie Pie

    When I was asked by my 8-year-old what treat I was talking about today and I told him Whoopie Pies, he made a face and told me that sounded naughty. Then when I told him that they are kind of like homemade Oreos, he had to add “Mom, why are you messing around with a good thing?” Well…I showed him, he loves these red velvet whoopie pies. Especially because the frosting I used for the middle is the same marshmallow buttercream I used on my Black Forest Cupcakes. Definitely my top favorite buttercream. Have you tried whoopie pies before? I love them, they can be time consuming, but they are…

  • Food

    Chocolate Covered Cherry Cake Pops

    I just can’t seem to get enough of the chocolate cherry flavors. I knew they needed to be made into a cake pop, especially when I found cherry cake mix at my local Albertson’s. I toyed with the idea of making these with a maraschino cherry in the center, but not everyone actually likes cherries, just the cherry flavor. If you love maraschinos then by all means, add one to the center of these cake pops. Do you like maraschino cherries or only the cherry flavor? I love both. These cake pops definitely hit the chocolate cherry flavors spot. Even my child that doesn’t like cherries loved these cake pops.…

  • Food

    Chocolate Strawberry Truffle

    There are many gifts that are given for Valentine’s Day, and chocolate covered strawberries are definitely a popular one. I decided I wanted to put a spin on the classic chocolate covered strawberry. While this takes more time than just dipping fresh strawberries in melted chocolate, it does have an element of whimsy. My boys love these truffles and watching them smile over the taste, brings so much joy to my heart. Additionally, if you are not a strawberry lover, you can definitely use raspberries or even blueberries instead. Do you love chocolate and strawberries together? You could experiment with the chocolate and use milk or white chocolate instead of…

  • Food

    Raspberry White Chocolate Scones

    Scones are like the sophisticated older sister of the donut. Just as tasty, but it’s not tacky to serve a scone at a tea time with the Queen of England…but I’m not so sure she would appreciate donuts during tea time. Scones can be intimidating, but this recipe is super easy. While I am not the inventor of this particular recipe, I do love it and it would be perfect for Valentine’s Day breakfast or brunch. This recipe would be equally tasty with fresh blueberries. Have you ever made scones from scratch? These scones are a definitely must in your near future. Hope y’all have an amazing week. Stay safe,…

  • Food

    Baked Love Donuts

    Donuts are arguably one of the best breakfast foods ever! I am always in the mood for a donut. I especially love a donut that is on the healthier side, and this one is definitely one of those. No added sodium, low fat, and real strawberries. Additionally, the base recipe for the donuts can be used for just about any flavor. Change the icing flavors and you have a whole new type of donut. Switch the extract flavors and the dough has a completely different flavor. Baking donuts for my family for Valentine’s Day breakfast has become a tradition over the last couple of years. I knew this year I…

  • Food

    Valentine’s Day: Red Velvet Cake Pops

    Red velvet is a popular flavor with cakes and cookies. Now that cake pops are a popular and common baked good, I had to make a red velvet version. I wanted to make sure that I kept the integrity of the typical flavors of the red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting. I also knew I wanted to make the pops look festive for Valentine’s Day. I decided to find some Valentine’s sprinkles for the top of the pops. The colors of the sprinkles in contrast to the white chocolate shell is particularly pretty. These are a huge hit at parties and gifting to friends and neighbors. The biggest plus…

  • Food

    Cupid Chow-Valentine’s Puppy Chow

    If you’ve ever had puppy chow Chex mix, you know just how addicting it is to the taste buds. You can be eating it and the next thing you know, you’ve eaten the whole bowl. Chex has even begun manufacturing and selling their own types of puppy chow. I knew it would be equally tasty and addicting if I did a spin on the puppy chow for Valentine’s Day. Now hear me out, you say you don’t like cherry flavors…well I am here to tell you that you will love this. I had numerous taste testers when I created this and ALL of them loved it! So…I know you will…

  • Food

    Valentine’s Berry and Chocolate Shortbread

    I know I’ve mentioned before that I have a few roommates (aka: children) who aren’t too keen on chocolate. So when I was trying to come up with a list of tasty Valentine’s desserts, I decided I would need to throw some in that contain berries. This is one such recipe. The best part about this recipe is that you can change it to your heart’s desire. You can use strawberry, raspberry, blueberry jam, or even orange marmalade. My family is mostly partial to strawberry and raspberry jams. If you decide to use orange marmalade, white chocolate chips would be amazing with it instead of semi-sweet chocolate chips. What is…

  • Food

    Valentine’s PB Blossom Cookies

    Have I mentioned before how much I love peanut butter and chocolate together? So when I was deciding what desserts to make for Valentine’s Day I knew I had to include the combo. I mean peanut butter and chocolate are one of the great matches made in heaven…which means that including the combination in every major holiday baking is a must! When I was trying to decide which desserts to bake, I knew red velvet would also have to be on my list. Red velvet is just chocolate dyed red. That’s when I landed on red velvet cookies with peanut butter chocolate tops…and the Valentine’s PB Blossom was born. Did…