• Homeschool

    Homeschool 101: Exploration of Germs

    Contains affiliate links Somehow I have been accepted into a homeschool science group with three other moms…who I might add, are all amazing ladies. We have children that are all similar in ages and we’ve been wanting to add more to our curriculum as well as give our children more interaction with their friends. One of the moms and I had already been doing various science experiments with our kiddos together. It helps because she has her degree in secondary education emphasis in science. I’ve come up with quite a few primitive science experiments for our children, but this mom has created a whole science homeschool curriculum for our kiddos…

  • Homeschool

    Homeschooling 101: Educational YouTube Channels

    As a homeschooling parent, utilizing resources any way you can definitely makes the process a lot smoother. While I have a whole host of educational online games that I love, I use educational YouTube videos more often in lessons and teaching. Sometimes children just respond better to someone on the screen than their own parents. While there is plenty of mind-numbing, useless, hilarious content on YouTube… Like this one…for example… There is also PLENTY of educational, entertaining videos and channels that cater to all ages…from preschool to high school. Below are some of my favorite YouTube Channels. Beginning with the younger ages, Have Fun Teaching is perfect for Pre-K through…