• Food

    Best Potato Salad Ever

    I LOVE potato salad! It is possibly my most favorite summer side dish. BUT…there are certain flavors that DO NOT belong in a potato salad. Raw onion flavor, tomatoes, sour cream…big fat NOPE. Potato salad has potatoes, eggs, pickles, and maybe a few extras. I knew when I began dating Matthew and tasted his mother’s potato salad, that I would have to marry him so I could have her potato salad til the day I died. Her potato salad is seriously the best. It is simple but full of flavor. I committed a cardinal sin and tweaked her recipe. Don’t get me wrong, her original recipe is still the best,…

  • Food

    Easy Corn Salad

    I love having an arsenal of side dishes in my recipe rotation. While heating up frozen vegetables or chopping up fruit and throwing it into a bowl is easy and tasty, sometimes it is nice to have more. This particular side salad is perfect for a potluck, or BBQ, or to just gorge yourself on at home…it is THAT yummy! A tiny bit of spice, a lot of cheese, plenty of vegetables. What more could a girl ask for? This particular recipe is especially delicious in the summer months when you can easily get fresh corn on the cob, but using thawed out frozen corn still makes it a special…

  • Food

    Summertime Avocado and Corn Salad

    I have a major addiction…to avocados.  Just about anything with avocados in the recipe, I will dive in head first no questions asked.  We go through 1-2 bags of avocados from Sam’s Club or Costco in a week.  I think we end up going through more avocado bags than gallons of milk.  So when a friend posted this recipe link on her facebook, I just had to run out and get all of the ingredients immediately.  SO YUMMY!  So satisfying, so easy!  I omitted the hard boiled eggs the first time I made it because I was going to be taking it to a Fourth of July BBQ and I didn’t want…