
  • Homeschool

    Homeschool 101: Lemon Volcano Experiment

    Since becoming a homeschool parent last fall, I decided I needed to make sure my boys still participated in STEM activities. Upping my science experiment game (which was non-existent before), was something I wanted to push myself with. It helps that I have a sister who has gone to school for Nuclear Medical Physics and always has suggestions for experiments. This last week, I wanted to talk to the amigos about acids and bases. They have done the Mentos in Coke before and they have built multiple volcanoes with my mom; but we’ve never talked in-depth about the chemical reactions between acids and bases, the pH scale, and why not…

  • Homeschool

    Homeschool 101: Kindergarten Checklist

    When I became a mom with children in school, my biggest concern was making sure they never fell too far behind for their age and development. Honestly, with my oldest (my twins), that was something I worried about pretty much from 12 months on when they both qualified for speech therapy. In the early years, both my twins went through years of various types of therapy…speech to rid the twin talk. Occupational for twin A because he was diagnosed with a minor sensory processing disorder and for twin B because he had GERD as a baby with then resulted in a VERY picky palate and throwing up when trying anything…

  • DIY,  Homeschool

    DIY: Chalk Puff Paint

    Now that the weather is beginning to warm up, I am just itching to soak up as much vitamin D as I can get. Still with the social distancing it can prove difficult. I know my amigos have been going stir crazy and so I’ve had do come up with some creative and somewhat wild activities to keep them occupied and not upset that they have to stay 6 feet away from their friends. Lemme tell you, I have heard every possible way that hide-and-seek could be played while social distancing. Chalk puff paint is exactly one of those hair-brained ideas that flourished out of desperation. This little craft is…

  • Homeschool

    Homeschool 101: Educational Subscription Boxes

    Just like with everything else when it comes to education, and as professional educators can attest to, coming up with creative ways to teach and engage your students/children is one of the most effective ways for them to learn. With all of us social distancing at the moment, and most school districts distance learning in the country; coming up with any way possible to teach and/or reinforce learning and education is a HUGE must. Since I am a homeschool mom, I thought I’d continue this Homeschool 101: tricks and tips. To see my other posts about education at home, see below This week, I want to highlight my top favorite…

  • Homeschool

    Homeschooling 101: Educational YouTube Channels

    As a homeschooling parent, utilizing resources any way you can definitely makes the process a lot smoother. While I have a whole host of educational online games that I love, I use educational YouTube videos more often in lessons and teaching. Sometimes children just respond better to someone on the screen than their own parents. While there is plenty of mind-numbing, useless, hilarious content on YouTube… Like this one…for example… There is also PLENTY of educational, entertaining videos and channels that cater to all ages…from preschool to high school. Below are some of my favorite YouTube Channels. Beginning with the younger ages, Have Fun Teaching is perfect for Pre-K through…

  • Homeschool

    Homeschooling: Free Online Educational Games

    Now that homeschooling is a thing nationwide, I thought it would be helpful to share the online educational games that my boys enjoy on a regular basis. While I definitely don’t yet classify myself as a homeschooling veteran, I have picked up quite a few tips and tricks since starting homeschool last August. I have many age groups so I need online games that can cater to many grade levels. The amigos’ current favorite site is Kahoot! It is a fun-filled site with games, quizzes, and beginner coding programs. Topics range from science, math, media, Disney, superhero, apps, and more. Kids can also create their own games and quizzes. Kahoot!…

  • Family,  Homeschool

    504s and IEPs

    When I became a mother, I began imagining what my boys’ lives would be like.  I immediately desired everything amazing; but also knew that life is not without hardships and that each of them would have plenty of trials.  I knew that some of these trials would also be my trial and I would grieve for them and/or with them.  Bean and Keegs were healthy babies overall, they did come down with the occasional bug, but their first year of life was pretty uneventful.  When I took them in for their 12-month check-up; the pediatrician asked me how I thought their development was going.  It was then I asked her…