
Motherrunner-My Running Journey

The best way to make yourself start running again…sign up for a race.  Technically I haven’t signed up for a race, but I am definitely making a list.  My favorite race to run, in the fun category, is the Rock’n’Roll run the Strip race that is every November here in Vegas.  The energy of the crowd and the ability to run the Boulevard with hundreds of thousands of other individuals, at night, under the lights…not much else can give you that runner’s high.

I began running about 4 years ago, due to a good friend Miss D, befriending me and continually inviting me to the gym.  She was the sole individual who gave me the running bug.  She ran my first ever race with me, a 5k, and she ran my first ever half marathon with me.  Honestly, she is my favorite running buddy, we usually have the same pace, we can chat a little and laugh, but she knows how nice it is to just run and listen to music and feel the pounding of the ground under your feet.  Not much else is worse for a runner when you feel you have to hold a conversation the whole run and entertain the other individual.  Have you ever been trying to complete a long run in your race training with a Chatty Cathy???

Getting started running is hard!  I’m not going to lie.  It is NOT fun and takes a lot of willpower and effort.  Running takes discipline, stubbornness, and an attitude of not giving up.  There are several programs that help you achieve the desired running distance.  Looking up any ‘couch to 5k’ app is a great place to start.  If you have been running and want to train for a long distance race, I would recommend getting your hands on Dawn Dais’ book.

Dawn’s Nonrunner’s Marathon Guide is full of tips, tricks, running/walking schedules and packed full of humor and her journey to running her first marathon.  I first read it right after I signed up for my first half marathon, and now I am listening to it on audible.  Lastly, don’t ever give up when starting your running journey.  There isn’t much that beats the feeling when you cross that finish line for the first time and have that medal placed around your neck.

(2014 Saints and Sinners Half Marathon)



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