• Food

    Chicken Fried Quinoa

    I’ve been wanting to incorporate quinoa into my diet, but I was afraid because the last time I tried to make something with it the taste was awful.  I even soaked the quinoa before I cooked it and it still tasted like bug spray.  That was several years ago, and now there are a lot more options when it comes to quinoa.  Quite a few of them don’t require presoaking before cooking which is a huge win for me.  Tonight I decided to do chicken fried rice, but with quinoa instead, and guess what…it was SO SO yummy.  I will say, although I love me some cauliflower rice, I think I…

  • Uncategorized

    Health Fads

    I began struggling with my weight in my early 20s.  I gained 50 or so pounds within a year.  I hadn’t made any major lifestyle changes, but the weight was not going anywhere.  Then my menstrual cycle stopped, so I sought medical help.  I received the diagnosis of PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome).  PCOS is a disorder that attacks the ovaries.  The pancreas works in overdrive producing too much insulin which then, in turn, creates little cysts on the ovaries that look like a strand of pearls have been wrapped around them.  This causes the ovaries to behave abnormally and don’t always ovulate on a regular basis.  While PCOS can be…

  • Food

    Summertime Avocado and Corn Salad

    I have a major addiction…to avocados.  Just about anything with avocados in the recipe, I will dive in head first no questions asked.  We go through 1-2 bags of avocados from Sam’s Club or Costco in a week.  I think we end up going through more avocado bags than gallons of milk.  So when a friend posted this recipe link on her facebook, I just had to run out and get all of the ingredients immediately.  SO YUMMY!  So satisfying, so easy!  I omitted the hard boiled eggs the first time I made it because I was going to be taking it to a Fourth of July BBQ and I didn’t want…

  • Food

    Grilled Steak & Veggie Rolls

    I am a carnivore at heart.  I love a yummy salad, but not much can beat a really good steak.  After dad’s heart attack and surgery, I was on the hunt for foods and recipes that still had the familiar flavors my dad loves but were heart healthy.  While red meat isn’t the most heart-healthy protein out there, I wanted to show my dad that he didn’t have to give up everything he loved…that if prepared right and consumed in moderation he could still enjoy and indulge occasionally. I found some sirloin side tip steak, which happens to be one of the leanest cuts of beef, for a good price at the…

  • Food

    Heart Healthy Fried Cauliflower Rice

    My family has made a very conscious decision to begin a more heart-healthy lifestyle.  Mr. Man and the 4 amigos as well as my parents, siblings and their families; we’ve all decided it is time to make a permanent change together.  As I have been researching heart-healthy foods and recipes, I’ve noticed it isn’t as hard as I assumed it would be.  The recommendations from the American Heart Association as well as the CDC and Mayo Clinic all suggest low sodium, low-fat diet with complex carbs and plenty of fruits and vegetables.  For an individual who has hypertension, high cholesterol, and/or heart disease (especially if they’ve had a cardiac event) the…