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    Missed Spiritual Promptings

    I have been obsessed with personal revelation and spiritual promptings for a few years now. I have had an overwhelming desire to grow closer to Heavenly Father and have His hand in my everyday life so I can be a spiritual light for my family. Irony is what it is called when you continually pray to be open and receptive to the Holy Ghost and His promptings, but then you miss them…completely. I guess I could say I missed these particular promptings because I’m a novice at recognizing the ever-present promptings. Or maybe my expectations of promptings are too great; assuming that every spiritual encounter is powerfully obvious. As I…

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    I have written and rewritten this post too many times to count.  It has been a struggle to put my thoughts and feelings into words.  This week has been one of the toughest in my life.  Just like anyone else, I’ve endured many trials, nothing terribly unique.  Mr. Man and I have had struggles and hardships we’ve weathered through…but this week…this week has definitely made me pull out my big girl panties. I can do hard things!  I CAN do hard things!  I can…but usually I don’t want to.  I am a stubborn, hardheaded gal.  Probably because my dad comes from a long line of Norwegians.  When it comes to…

  • Family

    Rhys Christian-The Caboose

    Rhys’ story began long before he was born.  After YoYo joined our family, I knew we still had one little spirit up in heaven waiting to come down to us.  As the years went on that feeling would not leave me.  The catch is, I really don’t like being pregnant.  If children came by a stork, I would have 12 kiddos, but, alas, they don’t.  It wasn’t that I had overwhelmingly hard pregnancies in the past, I just don’t enjoy sharing my body.  Most women love the feeling of the baby moving around inside.  Not me, every time the baby moved all I could envision was the scene from the…

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    Being a Courageous Mother

      Several weeks ago I was listening to a Time Out For Women talk given by Timothy Ballard entitled ‘Women Who Shine a Light on Darkness.’  In it he was describing a parenting experience his wife had with one of their sons.  Timothy and his wife were on a date at a movie theater and all of the sudden in the middle of the movie his wife stood up and left abruptly.  After several minutes she came back, when he asked what happened she said that everything was fine.  After the movie, while driving home Timothy asked his wife what happened; she then proceeded to tell him that she had…