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    Marvelous Mothers: Miss Joy

    I have had the privilege of knowing…and am related to…Miss Joy for almost 11 years now. She is married to my husband’s younger brother, Eric, and currently has 4 beautiful children. Her oldest Olivia is such a joy to be around and is constantly trying to include everyone. She is also an excellent example to others and strives to always choose the right. Landon is Joy’s second oldest and the only boy. He is SUCH a handsome dude and SO stinkin’ smart. He always seems to have a look of awe on his face like he is constantly taking in his surroundings. Ellie is the third child and she is…

  • Family

    Oct 1st: A Year Later #vegasstrong

    It’s raining today…which is fitting.  Rain can be a symbol of sadness, fear, but rain cleanses.  Rain revitalizes plants, it resets the earth and brings new life.  It washes away the dirt, grime, destruction. One year ago at around 11:30pm, I was laying in bed trying to sleep.  I was pregnant, just beginning my second trimester, super uncomfortable and super sick.  I was laying there, staring at the ceiling fan growing more frustrated by the minute.  Mr. Man bursts in saying in a very urgent voice, “there’s a terrorist attack going on down on the Strip!”  Being a military family, we dread something like this happening, but we know all…

  • Family

    Updating the Kitchen Island

    My kitchen island is easily the most favorite aspect of my home.  It is what sold me on our house.  In fact, Mr. Man was the one who first walked through the model home with the same layout and as soon as he walked in and took one look at the kitchen he knew I’d love it.  By that time, we had walked through all of the model homes in the community we were hoping to buy/build in.  Nothing took our breath away.  But Mr. Man knew that I always wanted a kitchen island where I could roll out the dough for my cinnamon rolls without having to divide the…

  • Family

    Super Mom

    I’ve always wanted to show the world a photo of my kitchen sink full of dirty dishes.  I absolutely cannot go to bed with any dishes in the sink.  It is something that just makes my skin crawl…and yet…I’ve had to learn to let that go at times.  As my boys have grown I’ve tried to teach them certain traits that their future wives will appreciate…such as dish duty, putting the toilet seat/lid down, not leaving toothpaste in the sink, or leaving dirty socks all over the place.  That being said, they are boys…they are preteen boys…and their expectations of how certain things should be done are VERY different than…

  • Family

    How Not Live In Wedded Bliss

    This week Mr. Man and I celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary.  We’ve had our share of trials and successes.  We’ve been very blessed and our love…and patience for each other…has only grown.  BUT, we don’t live in wedded bliss.  In my opinion, wedded bliss ends within the first 2 years of a marriage, then the hard stuff begins.  Instead of striving for constant wedded bliss…Mr. Man and I have a joyful marriage.  I love him deeply and couldn’t see my life without him.  He is a wonderful husband and an amazing father to the amigos.  He is thoughtful and kind.  He makes me laugh at least a few times each…

  • Family

    Double Trouble: Tips for Managing Multiples

    Having twins?  Triplets?  Done panicking yet?  How many times have dollar signs passed through your mind?  While receiving the news that you are getting two for one can be a special moment; it can also cause nervous breakdowns.  There are many misconceptions and unhelpful advice floating around, and while my advice is definitely not fact, I have had 10 years of experience.  I am still asked, ‘how do you do it?’  I thought that would be one of the questions that would dwindle over time.  I sincerely hope that sharing the tips, tricks, and mistakes I’ve experienced; eases your nerves, saves you money, and relieves the stress.  There may even…

  • Family,  Homeschool

    504s and IEPs

    When I became a mother, I began imagining what my boys’ lives would be like.  I immediately desired everything amazing; but also knew that life is not without hardships and that each of them would have plenty of trials.  I knew that some of these trials would also be my trial and I would grieve for them and/or with them.  Bean and Keegs were healthy babies overall, they did come down with the occasional bug, but their first year of life was pretty uneventful.  When I took them in for their 12-month check-up; the pediatrician asked me how I thought their development was going.  It was then I asked her…

  • Family

    Life Lessons From Motherhood

    While I am definitely not an expert in motherhood, I have been mothering someone for the last 32 years.  I first practiced on my siblings, and while they routinely reminded me that I was not, in fact, their mother…it did not deter me from bossing them around.  My two oldest will be turning 10 next week and I routinely remind them, and their younger brothers, that I am their mother and I am allowed to boss them around.  And in honor of officially mothering for the last 10 years, I thought I would share what I have learned.  Some lessons were from trial and error, some from enlightening conversations with my…

  • Family,  Katie Marie

    Mom Shaming

    Mom-shaming…it is something has become WAY too prominent.  I’ve been mom-shamed too many times to count.  For some reason, everyone has an opinion and they think they need to voice it.  I have totally been a mom-shamer as well.  It is easy to jump to conclusions and assume the worst.  What prompted me to write this post was my beautiful, intelligent cousin.  She tweeted about a mom who seemed would rather play a game on her phone than give her children any attention.  The things she was writing that this mom was saying…well let’s just say if I were the one overhearing her I would’ve totally stepped in.  But my…

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    Life of a Military Wife

    Parasailing at UPT-2006 I am a military wife.  I have been since January of 2006.  And before that, I was a military brat from birth.  When Mr. Man commissioned I thought I knew exactly what I was getting into because I grew up with a military dad; boy was I wrong.  Growing up it was normal to have a dad that couldn’t always make it to my sporting events or recitals.  I knew he loved me, I knew he would’ve been there if he could.  I watched my mom be a super-mom because, well shiz always hit the fan whenever dad was unavailable.  I distinctly remember when we lived in Spokane,…