• Family

    Legoland: How to Maximize Your Visit

    Legos have been a staple in my boys’ lives for as long as I can remember…and ever since the Lego Movie came out, the 3 Amigos began begging to visit Legoland. Last year we made the decision to finally go as a family. We purchased a 3-day visit hopper pass that could be used within a year of the purchase date. Thus, attending Legoland 3 full days within a year, I have been able to make a list of the top 10 tips to maximize your visit to Legoland. I might add, we went to Legoland California. While I have never been to Legoland Florida, I am assuming that most…

  • Uncategorized

    Friday Favorites

    This week has been a week full of fun and family time.  We’ve been in Central and Southern California all week…and it has been heavenly.  Our family has been in desperate need of relaxation and no drama.  It has been nice rounding out a crazy June with a vacation.  For this week’s favorites, I discovered a few of them in an effort to aid in vacation activities as well as keep my OCD levels at a minimum. I LOVE the beach…but I loathe sand.  I feel the same way about playing in the sand as I do about playing in snow…it’s grand at the time, but it needs to stay…