New Project: Grand Opening

    It is probably quite obvious that I have been MIA for several…well more than several…months. Unintentional, I assure you. While there are a handful of reasons I took an unscheduled leave, one major one was a new project I’ve been working on. One of my major hobbies behind the scenes is all things planning and journaling. Over the years I have noticed a lack of planner inserts and spreads that include specific nutritional tracking. Most often, I’ve encountered individuals who do track various health things, have to create or draw out their own nutrition inserts for their journals and planners. I decided to jump on this untapped niche. I took…

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    Health Fads

    I began struggling with my weight in my early 20s.  I gained 50 or so pounds within a year.  I hadn’t made any major lifestyle changes, but the weight was not going anywhere.  Then my menstrual cycle stopped, so I sought medical help.  I received the diagnosis of PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome).  PCOS is a disorder that attacks the ovaries.  The pancreas works in overdrive producing too much insulin which then, in turn, creates little cysts on the ovaries that look like a strand of pearls have been wrapped around them.  This causes the ovaries to behave abnormally and don’t always ovulate on a regular basis.  While PCOS can be…

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    Friday Favorites-Fitness Edition

      Now that I have started back into working out, I thought I would share some of my fitness favorites.  Now, none of these things are necessary to workout; but they all sure make my workouts easier in some way or another.  Whoever said running was a cheap sport, was definitely not a runner.     The FlipBelt is by far my most favorite workout accessory.  It holds my phone, keys, money, etc.  I found it when I went searching for something that would hold my phone when my armband wouldn’t stay on my arm halfway through a long run.  I’ve used my FlipBelt for half marathons, for weightlifting, hiking.  It…

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    Motherrunner-My Running Journey

    The best way to make yourself start running again…sign up for a race.  Technically I haven’t signed up for a race, but I am definitely making a list.  My favorite race to run, in the fun category, is the Rock’n’Roll run the Strip race that is every November here in Vegas.  The energy of the crowd and the ability to run the Boulevard with hundreds of thousands of other individuals, at night, under the lights…not much else can give you that runner’s high. I began running about 4 years ago, due to a good friend Miss D, befriending me and continually inviting me to the gym.  She was the sole…