• Homeschool

    Homeschool 101: Sight Words

    I have now had the chore privilege of helping three of my children master sight words, and I still have one more. Each of my children had very different experiences and struggles, and every trick I had tried previously didn’t work with the next child. From one child with a significant speech delay, which then caused a reading delay, to another child who’s IQ is borderline genius…and he knows it, every child has some sort of struggle when it comes to sight words. Fortunately, there are a plethora of materials available online. My initial go-to was flashcards. Drilling the words into the amigos’ minds in constant repetition, worked well at…

  • Homeschool

    Homeschool 101: Teacher Pay Teacher

    This school 20-21 school year is definitely one for the books. Quite a lot of us are teaching our children in ways we’ve never had to before. Some are stuck at home most of the day monitoring children while they are online distance learning, others are sending their children to school possibly worrying about their health, and yet some have found the strength and decided to go at it all at home by homeschooling. There is no right or wrong way to educate your children, as long as you are doing your best. Some children thrive attending public/charter/private schooling. They need the time away from home and the social interaction.…

  • DIY

    Stripping Laundry

    Contains affiliate links Stripping laundry, not to be confused with ‘stripping’ laundry, is stripping the chemical buildup of detergent and fabric softener overtime, as well as stubborn bacteria that lingers in clothing and linens. I’ve heard about this from friends in the past. I had seen their before and after photos, and I still did not believe. It was kind of like a similar denial where a storm is coming and you know you need to get to the store to stock up on water and other essentials, but you keep telling yourself it won’t be that bad. All of the excuses ran through my head…we aren’t dirty people, I…

  • Food

    Amazon: Kitchen Must-Haves

    Contains affiliate links I am ALWAYS on the hunt for the kitchen tool oddball. Nowadays with shopping at our fingertips, it is so easy and convenient to just click ‘add to cart’. Kitchen and household items are constantly being reinvented and I am a sucker for anything that eases cooking/baking. It doesn’t help that Matthew also likes to send me the weird tool that will make me scratch my head, but also intrigue me enough to purchase it. I have to admit, it was rather difficult to narrow down the top five items I am loving this month; but I was successful. So here are my top five kitchen favorites…

  • Family

    Legoland: How to Maximize Your Visit

    Legos have been a staple in my boys’ lives for as long as I can remember…and ever since the Lego Movie came out, the 3 Amigos began begging to visit Legoland. Last year we made the decision to finally go as a family. We purchased a 3-day visit hopper pass that could be used within a year of the purchase date. Thus, attending Legoland 3 full days within a year, I have been able to make a list of the top 10 tips to maximize your visit to Legoland. I might add, we went to Legoland California. While I have never been to Legoland Florida, I am assuming that most…

  • Food

    Quick Dinners & Pantry Staples

    Now that school is in full swing, extracurriculars are consuming our lives, and germs are being passed around…quick dinners have become the norm around here.  I definitely love pouring my heart into preparing meals for friends and family, but most often I just don’t have the time or energy during the week to be very elaborate.  Healthy, yummy meals are still my top priority…but there are plenty of meals that can be prepared quickly and are still healthy. Quinoa, Jasmine rice, and various types of pasta are always in my pantry.  Quinoa bowls are a weekly occurrence in my house.  It is easy to cook and easy to flavor.  Some of my…

  • Family

    How Not Live In Wedded Bliss

    This week Mr. Man and I celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary.  We’ve had our share of trials and successes.  We’ve been very blessed and our love…and patience for each other…has only grown.  BUT, we don’t live in wedded bliss.  In my opinion, wedded bliss ends within the first 2 years of a marriage, then the hard stuff begins.  Instead of striving for constant wedded bliss…Mr. Man and I have a joyful marriage.  I love him deeply and couldn’t see my life without him.  He is a wonderful husband and an amazing father to the amigos.  He is thoughtful and kind.  He makes me laugh at least a few times each…

  • Uncategorized

    Health Fads

    I began struggling with my weight in my early 20s.  I gained 50 or so pounds within a year.  I hadn’t made any major lifestyle changes, but the weight was not going anywhere.  Then my menstrual cycle stopped, so I sought medical help.  I received the diagnosis of PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome).  PCOS is a disorder that attacks the ovaries.  The pancreas works in overdrive producing too much insulin which then, in turn, creates little cysts on the ovaries that look like a strand of pearls have been wrapped around them.  This causes the ovaries to behave abnormally and don’t always ovulate on a regular basis.  While PCOS can be…

  • Family

    Life Lessons From Motherhood

    While I am definitely not an expert in motherhood, I have been mothering someone for the last 32 years.  I first practiced on my siblings, and while they routinely reminded me that I was not, in fact, their mother…it did not deter me from bossing them around.  My two oldest will be turning 10 next week and I routinely remind them, and their younger brothers, that I am their mother and I am allowed to boss them around.  And in honor of officially mothering for the last 10 years, I thought I would share what I have learned.  Some lessons were from trial and error, some from enlightening conversations with my…

  • Uncategorized

    Friday Favorites

    This week has been a week full of fun and family time.  We’ve been in Central and Southern California all week…and it has been heavenly.  Our family has been in desperate need of relaxation and no drama.  It has been nice rounding out a crazy June with a vacation.  For this week’s favorites, I discovered a few of them in an effort to aid in vacation activities as well as keep my OCD levels at a minimum. I LOVE the beach…but I loathe sand.  I feel the same way about playing in the sand as I do about playing in snow…it’s grand at the time, but it needs to stay…